Under section 104RBB(2) of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990, alternative compliance is acceptable if it is unreasonable or impractical for an owner of a domestic dwelling to relocate smoke alarms to positions required under a smoke alarm requirement provision. Please refer to the Act excerpt below, section (2):
104RBB Alternative compliance with smoke alarm requirement provision
(1) An owner of a sole-occupancy unit in a class 2 building is taken to comply with a smoke alarm requirement provision if a smoke detection system that complies with the Building Code of Australia, specification E2.2a, clause 4 is installed in the unit.
(2) If it is impracticable for an owner of a domestic dwelling to put a smoke alarm at the location required under a smoke alarm requirement provision, the owner may put the alarm at another location that will provide a warning to occupants of the dwelling.
A smoke alarm that is regularly activated by steam from a bathroom or smoke or fumes from a kitchen may be moved to another appropriate location.
(3) This section applies despite a smoke alarm requirement provision.
Click HERE to view the act.